Sports Committee
Hi, my name is Chloe Rogers and I am the Sport Representative of Year 8 at Mount Alvernia College in 2020. I nominated to be a part of this opportunity within the College because I believe it’s a good experience to be more involved within sport. My aim towards being a sports rep is to encourage students to be involved, build more confidence, achieve their goals and, most importantly, motivate the girls to keep active. With school holidays soon to begin, I have interviewed Molly Dwyer from Year 8 Francis School, and asked her five questions on her views towards the College's sport activities and why she participates in these sporting events.
In your time at the College, what sports have you played/are you currently playing at the College?
Over the past two years with being at the College I have participated in AFL, Soccer, CaSSSA Athletics, and Athletics Camp, and have attended all of the college sporting carnivals.
What made you want to sign up to these sports? What did you enjoy most about participating in them?
I was excited to sign up to sport activities at the College because I feel happy when I am active and being fit. I love playing with friends and even going out of my comfort zone and meeting new people and becoming friends because of the sporting commitments.
Explain the sporting atmosphere at Mount Alvernia College.
The sporting atmosphere at Mount Alvernia is exciting and unites the team using spirit and enthusiasm to encourage participation.
Have you ever participated in a sport at the College which you had never played before? What motivated you to try the new sport?
Yes, before coming to the College I had never played AFL or Soccer before. I was motivated to try these sports because it was something new and exciting with which to be involved.
How does playing sports at Mount Alvernia develop you as a person?
Participating in sports at the College benefits me with developing my leadership skills and achieving my goals on a fitness level.
As seen in the responses from Molly Dwyer, girls at the College enjoy participating in all CaSSSA sports and like to be involved in camps that are available for them to attend. This is exactly what I wish to motivate the girls to do through my aim as Sport Rep. Participating in sports is really important as girls because it can make you feel better about yourself, both physically and socially.