Education in Faith

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


The story so far…

Jesus continues to teach the crowds about the Kingdom of Heaven using parables  (stories). It seems that the Kingdom he is talking about is very different to earthly kingdoms.


What do you do when you find something very valuable? Jesus tells his followers that the Kingdom of Heaven is like the most precious thing on earth. And like the man who found the treasure in the field, or the merchant who found the pearl, we should give everything to following Jesus and being part of his Kingdom.

I wonder…….

~ where the treasure in the field came from?

                                              ~ why he was prepared to sell everything he had to buy the field? 

                                              ~ why did Jesus say that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a buried                                                         treasure?


Think about something or someone that is precious to you that money could not replace.

For example, your baby brother or sister, grandmas hugs special memories of a birthday, a beautiful sunset.



Let us pray that we will recognise the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven in our lives.

~ Lord, help us to treasure our goodness.

We thank you for creating us. Lord, help us to treasure our family.

~ We thank you for our family.

Lord, help us to treasure our faith in you.

~ We thank you for the gift of faith.

Lord, your love is the greatest treasure of all. 

Fill our lives with the riches of your love. 



Rozeta Ambrose - REL - Sacraments