Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

What’s been happening at Kharisma Kids.


Week 1 Term 3 was classified as extended school holidays.  Although Kharisma Kids didn’t open during the Winter School Break, we opened to offer care from 8:30am to 6pm every day to help any essential workers who needed care for their children.


We had anywhere from 10 to 17 children attend each day.  The children relaxed with craft, games and some outside play as we had beautiful weather all week.

For craft, the children made a Remote Learning Desk Caddy.   They followed the steps of placing glue on each paddle pop stick and carefully placing each stick around the tin can.  Once the glue had dried, they decorated their desk caddy with coloured markers and foam stick on shapes.  Teaching the children that we can utilise resources for alternative uses and save throwing them in landfill.

We also purchased some new books to add to our collection. 

10 are Disney Movie Classic picture story books,

8 are indigenous story time book 

And 6 were Cheeky Monkey Manners Books. (written by a child psychologist)

All our books are bought to enhance children’s learning and enhance their connection and contributions to the world and communities where we live.

Puzzles and shops were a popular choice for entertaining their time in holiday care.  Puzzles help children develop their visual discrimination skills (ie learning to recognise shapes, colours, straight edges and so on).


To finish of the first week of the Term the children made some Foam Families. The children enjoyed making the families and playing with them afterwards.


The final activity was decorating a Pencil Case. The children sat down in the art area to focus on colouring in the pencil cases.


Week 1 of remote learning. 

With the weather so cold, we had yummy Chicken Noodle Soup for afternoon tea.  It was just as delicious as it smelt.  We will be having tomato soup next week….something to look farward to.

We made bookmarks later in the week.  The boys and girls also learnt how to weave coloured strips of paper through the bookmark to make their own unique piece of art.