News from Remote Learning 2.0

Check out what is going on during remote learning

ART - Remote Learning lessons

Last week the Year 4 students learning about positive and negative spaces by cutting out shapes from paper. It's great how resourceful some of our families are with using catalogs as the paper to cut out, they made for some interesting results. Congrats to all who participated!


The Junior classes created some terrific rocket ships from paper craft that featured weaving. Check out the amazing effects the children in 2OB achieved! Well done to you all.


Japanese - RemoteLessons

In Japan, it is NATSU = Summer. Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 learned new words about the Japanese countryside and how to draw a traditional Japanese scene. Their pictures are amazing!


News from the Rooms

Mrs Evans shared this awesome artwork from Aiden in FE of the fish he made for art. They look incredible, almost 'swimming on the page'.  Don't forget, if you have any photos of your remote learning from home, please share them with us! We would love to have them in the newsletter.