
Trish Lloyd

Student Wellbeing 

The department of education and training of Victoria has put together a great resource for parents to use with their children to assist in starting conversations about any anxiety or stress caused by the pandemic and remote learning.

Please take the time to check out this link.




Family Violence - There is no Excuse

Assistant Commissioner of Family Violence Command Dean McWhirter acknowledged the current challenging times for the community and highlighted the different ways victims could seek support. 


"People may be particularly vulnerable during these times as the community stay at home to prevent the spread of coronavirus, but home might not always be the safest place to be,” AC McWhirter said. “We are releasing these videos to remind everyone in our community that Victoria Police continues to help people if they feel unsafe. "





You can leave home if there is family violence, or violence by another person in the home, and you are at risk. If you are stopped by police, tell them you are feeling unsafe at home and they will help you. Safe accommodation and support for family violence is available. Call safe steps on 1800 015 188 or email safesteps@safesteps.org.au for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.