News from the Deputy Principal

Michelle Hinds

We are in our third week of Remote Learning 2.0 and the students are scheduled for engagement in regular Google Meetings with their teachers. Please ensure your child attends these meetings whenever required, whether it be as whole class meetings or clinic groups. Members of Leadership will also be visiting as many students as possible during the Google Meeting space throughout the remainder of the term so that we can see all the wonderful learning that has been happening and of course… because we miss you all! Teachers are working hard to provide Google Meetings as frequent forums to teach and dialogue with students, keeping abreast of their learning, providing feedback and enhancing teaching through technological tools. This learning space is looking quite different to last term’s remote learning and from all accounts, our students are enjoying the regular, albeit virtual contact, with classmates and teachers.


This virtual learning space is one that is fast approaching as the norm in this contemporary landscape. Remember if you are having any difficulties accessing these meetings or any of the online student work on the portals, please email your child’s teacher as soon as possible. If you require digital tools to access the student portals from home, please contact the school and we can organise this for you. We understand that the most recent Stage 4 Restrictions will see so many more students learning from home.


I thought families and students alike would enjoy another Dr Seuss take on Remote Learning!!



Due to Stage 4 Lockdown, stricter conditions about students learning from home have been issued by the government and the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL). Families are asked to ensure students learn from home if they can. For those students who cannot learn from home, we ask that families who did not complete the online document, to please contact Michelle Bruitzman ( or myself, Michelle Hinds ( as soon as possible as our onsite learning numbers are quickly reaching capacity for some days. Please note that students should only be engaged in ONSITE LEARNING if parents and carers are ‘permitted’ workers or students cannot be supervised from home. If parents or carers are home, students should be remaining at home too. If there are extenuating circumstances where this cannot be adhered to, please make contact via the above email addresses or phone the school. We are here to support everyone during these challenging times.


Working with you in partnership.

Michelle Hinds