From the Principal...   

Michelle Bruitzman

Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,

At once Jesus spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” MT 14:22-36

I hope you all enjoyed the warmer weather over the weekend as we move into August, the last month of Winter. Hopefully, we will see clearer days more often as we get a little closer to life returning to normal!


The Hon. Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria declared a State of Disaster and announced that metropolitan Melbourne has entered into Stage 4 restrictions from 6.00 pm on 2 August 2020. This decision has been made to increase physical distancing across the population and prevent the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). 


Today, the staff and I spent the day in meetings to ensure that we are providing the best remote learning we can to all students at the school. I must stress that all students will be engaged in remote learning regardless of whether they are eligible to attend onsite or not. The teachers will now be working from home and only a small number of staff will be at the school to provide adequate care for the children that require supervision due to parents needing to continue to work away from home.


From tomorrow, all classes will commence Google Meets with small groups of children in order to target teach Literacy and Maths lessons. This is a great step forward in providing 'point of need' learning for our students. We do require your help though! Please read the emails from your children's teachers to ensure that you have the times for their Google Meet groups. I am hoping to pop into some of these groups to say hello to the children too! We do miss them.


Next Monday afternoon, we are going to attempt our first remote whole school assembly! This will take place on Monday 10th August at 2pm. The assembly will be run through Google Meet and the link can be found on the calendar and in the Dates for Diary in this newsletter. The senior communication team will help me run the assembly! Everyone cross their fingers and hope that it works! 


I have uploaded some terrific photos of home learning in the News from Remote Learning 2.0 page.  Please remember to keep sending in any photos of your children learning from home for the newsletter. They are great to see.


God Bless and have a great week.


Michelle Bruitzman
