Due to COVID19 restrictions, we  were unable to run the First Eucharist (gr 4) family workshop that was scheduled for Tuesday 23rd June. For those families whose children will be making the Sacrament of First Eucharist this year, a workbook is available for you to work though as a family at home.


The workbook is $20 and is payable via CDFpay. Please make contact with your child's classroom teacher if you want to begin the preparation.  Students will need to have completed the workbook to make the Sacrament of First Eucharist.


The celebration Mass for the Eucharist will not go ahead as scheduled due to the continuing restrictions around gatherings. We will inform you when we are able to celebrate this Mass. 


The Sacrament of Confirmation update. There has not been a rescheduled date. We will let you know as soon as we have a date. Students will need to have completed the workbook to participate in this Sacrament. If you have not already received a workbook, you can collect one from the office upon payment of $20 via CDFpay.