9/10 Advance

by Simone Conroy

Just prior to diving back into remote learning, the students were required to turn up in masks and we aimed to have as much fun and social interaction as we could! The students used chalk to draw pictures outside on the paved areas, and a challenge was set for them during remote learning. Keep a look out in the community, as our students will be out writing positive messages as an assessment task for this block of learning. In these strange times- these photos will hopefully just be a record of the weird year we have had!




As part of their 'Keep, Donate, Sell' task, students worked hard to ensure that their ceramic pots were completed and ready for the kiln before remote and flexible learning started again.  


We have now received our coloured glazes from Clayworks, which were purchased with the assistance of a generous grant from Skepsi Gallery in Melbourne. We also had local electrician David Fraser, come to fix the kiln ready for firing and former Beaufort Secondary College teacher, Penny Liston, come in for a run through. I am working through bisque firing the pots during remote learning so these will be ready for the students return in term 4. They will they apply the coloured glazes before being fired again and finally they will be planted out with various succulents. There are some fantastic designs in the mix!



Stay tuned for further updates as the students will be looking to sell these, as a fundraiser, late in term 4. With Christmas being just around the corner they would make an excellent gift idea!