Outside School Hours Care

Outside School Hours Care

Term 3

Welcome back to all students.


The theme for term 3 in OSHC is: 'Around the world in 50 days'. 


We will be visiting a different country each week and learning where the country is located and some of the animals found there. We will also explore topics including the flag, language, cuisine, music and instruments, dance and creating some local art. We hope to include some of the countries the children at the school have a connection to.


If you have family or friends or a special interest in a country and have some information or recipes etc. please contact us so that we can include that country. It would be great for the children to be able to share their cultural backgrounds and connections. It does not matter if they don't normally come to OSHC. They are very welcome to come for the night or the week and help with some activities. This should be a very fun and interesting program.


The Program

Week 1: The World and Australia

Week 2: Indigenous Australia

Week 3: Ghana 

Week 4: Brazil

Week 5: Malta

Week 6: Japan

Week 7: India

Week 8: Italy

Week 9: Norway

Week 10: New Zealand



Fees have resumed in term 3 for using the OSHC service. Please make payment via Electronic Funds Transfer using the instructions on your invoice. If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please contact Kim Barker via the details below.


Booking Procedure

To make a booking, please follow the booking procedures outlined on the school website via the following link: http://www.teesdaleps.vic.edu.au/oshc.php?id=31


Bookings will no longer be taken via the office.


From the OSHC Team