Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Term 3 2020

Welcome back to Term Three! We are looking forward to working with you throughout the Term and applying everything we learned about remote learning in term 2. We will continue to support you as we seek to promote engaging and challenging learning from home once again.

Religious Education 

In our Term 3 RE unit, students will be learning the stories of Jesus and the places he travelled to. They will be reflecting on the messages he spread through his teachings and the impact this has had on the Church as we know it today. These stories include: 


The Annunciation, Visitation and Lost in the Temple

Jesus Baptism in the Jordan

The Wedding Feast at Cana

The Samaritan Woman at the Well

Calling James, Peter, Andrew and John

Healing Stories

The Widow of Nain

Jesus Calms the storm

Feeding the 5000




In Reading, students will be practising their reading skills through:

  • Daily whole class Google Meets reading of texts with focuses on fact and opinion, predjudice and bias.
  • Weekly focus groups on decoding and comprehension skills for set texts.
  • Individually set Reading Eggs tasks on lessons, spelling and Storylands/library.
  • Reading activities focused on comprehension and word study.

In Writing, students will be exploring persuasive texts including the following elements:

  • Expressing opinions
  • Using evidence to support an opinion
  • Using persuasive techniques such as emotive language to argue, discuss or advertise


This term’s Maths topics will be:

·         Mass: using informal and formal means to determine what is heavier.

         Time: telling the time to the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to. 

·         Subtraction: taking away from a collection using part to part and part to whole separations, linking in closely with addition.

·         Multiplication: linking to repeated addition and concept of equal groups.

·         Division: recognising that the number in each group is the same and there can be leftovers.


Inquiry - Geography

In Geography this term, students will be investigating the states, Territories and cities of Australia and landmarks and features of each 


  • Identify each of the states and territories and their capital cities.
  • Choose a capital city and identify the features, landmarks, population and climate of that city
  • Produce a digital travel brochure of their chosen city


Social Emotional Learning 

Our SEL focus for Term 3 is on Social Awareness. This will involve:

  • Recognising how we can ask for help when we need it and listing the people we can turn to when we need help.
  • Identify the ways we can help our friends when a problem arises.
  • Exploring our individual uniqueness.

Things you can do this week:

  • Write a recount of your holidays that we can share next week
  • Access Epic Reading, Reading Eggs and Mathletics
  • Do some mindful colouring
  • Go outside and get plenty of fun!