School Holiday Program:

Code Camp

This summer, we are again hosting the Code Camp school holiday program called Code, where your child can build their very own iPhone or Android app!  Code Camp have three special camp groups that will run from Thursday 9th January to Friday 10th January 2020 in the d’Helin Building at Junior School.

Code Camp has already taught more than 50,000 students in Australia in years 2-7, giving them important skills such as computational thinking, logic, creativity, user experience, app development and game building in a fun and engaging way.


The 3 Camp Groups Explained:


Blast 3D

Ages 8 - 13

We welcome your child back to Code Camp to rise to the next level. After conquering Spark where your child built a 2D platformer game, next stop on your child’s coding and creative journey is Blast 3D. We still use game creation as this has been proven to be the best way to teach kids to code, only this time, the coding gets more complex, the creativity rises to another level, and the fun and excitement are through the roof!



Ages 7 - 12

More than 50,000 kids have loved Spark so far. It's our most popular course where kids aged 7-12 build their very own game using drag & drop coding!


Little Heroes

Ages 5 - 6

For our littlest coders, this fun and interactive camp is so much fun they won't realise they're learning important concepts and skills!


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