Positive Education


SchoolTV is a resource that we always encourage parents and carers to use as it provides great ideas to help with parenting.  At this moment this is increasingly important as we as a community head in to unchartered waters.  The experts who put together material for this platform have now included a focus and strategies on homeschooling, which may be of benefit to parents at the moment on in the future.  Please either click here or go to the College website and find the SchoolTV link under the Community tab.

Parenting Ideas Website

Another great website that delivers parents and carers excellent and well-resourced information is Parenting Ideas.  They often run a series of blogs that highlight strategies linked to parenting.  This week Dr Michale Grose has put together a blog focusing on how parents can talk about the Coronavirus with their children.  Click here to be taken to this particular blog.

Useful Websites or Contacts

As it is clear throughout this edition of The View and through the commentary  from many parts of our society, we are currently living in times that can only be described as ‘not normal’.  With change, loneliness, job losses, isolation and the stress of parents juggling home-schooling and work, anxiety or stress levels will naturally rise.  Below are just  a few links to websites that may be of assistance to you as parents or guardians.


Melanie Sluyters

Director of Positive Education