CEO'S Report

At our recent AGM we said farewell to our Treasurer, Chris Christoforou who has left his role at the Box Hill Institute of TAFE – Centre for Adult Education to take up the important role of the Executive Officer for the Ethnic Community Council of Victoria (ECCV). The City LLEN is committed to addressing the needs of our young migrants and refugee students to support their education and appreciates the great work the ECCV does in advocating for diversity and equality. We wish Chris well and thank him for his time generously given to supporting the LLEN.
Also at our AGM we had the pleasure of listening to our guest speakers from the River Nile School. Lisa Wilson the Principal, together with 3 students, 1 past and 2 current told members about the history of the school as well as the benefits the students have gained by attending a small, nurturing environment tailored for the needs of young African-Australian women and girls. Away from mainstream, large secondary colleges this potentially vulnerable cohort are able to thrive and obtain a Year 12 qualification. We congratulate Lisa and the teachers for the excellent work they do. The LLEN has also worked closely with the students in the past helping with their career goals and pathway planning.
Louise Smith