Return to School

COVID-19 Return to School: 

Version 1 - 26th May 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


Please find below a link to information relating to our return to school plans. It is important information, so please take time to read it carefully. As this is a new routine, we will refine as we need to so, whilst we plan for this to be in place for the rest of the term, it may be subject to some changes, especially with the return of the Years Three - Six students on the 9th June. We will inform you of these changes if and when they occur.


The main key points are as follows:

  • We will be running staggered drop-off and pick-up times organised by family surname;
  • School grounds will be restricted to entry by staff and students only, with six entry points manned by staff during the scheduled drop-off and pick-up times;
  • School drinking fountains will not be used and students must bring their own refillable water bottles to school for use;
  • Students will need to bring along a named pencil case which can stay at school;
  • The school has been allocated an extra cleaner to be on-site during the day;
  • All unwell students must stay home.

Whilst we are all excited to see each other again (Ruby in particular), we appreciate that these changes will be challenging in different ways for different families. Please rest assured that all staff are working hard to ensure that the classroom programs focus on the wellbeing of all students, implementing activities similar to those that we use at the beginning of school years. All staff will be contactable, using the same platforms as we have done during the Learning from Home period. 


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time, as we work together to ensure that OGPS remains a safe, collaborative and enjoyable learning environment. 


Please ensure you read the attached document carefully 

