Principal's Message

School Philosophy

Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth and wellbeing for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.

From the Principal

Well, here we are, ready and waiting for the long-anticipated 'Return to School'.  There has been a lot to consider as we prepare a safe and considered strategy to ensure that we all stay healthy at OGPS, while dealing with a COVID-19 overlay.


By now, I hope you have all read the plan for 'Return to School' sent out on Compass. We need everyone to work our plan if we are to be successful in minimising any risks.  The school will be different for a while, and it is a shame, but the best way forward is to maintain social distancing, have rigorous hand washing regimes, and have thorough cleaning happening on a daily basis.  All these aspects have been acted upon in our plan.


In the first week, our focus will be on the wellbeing of the children.  We believe it is important to not 'shut the door' on the experiences of the last nine weeks, but to help the children put it into perspective, acknowledge the hard times and stresses, and honour the hard work, the resilience that has been built and the silver linings that we can find from the lockdown experience. 


In this newsletter, we have put links to the documents to which you may need quick access, and to give you a cheat sheet-style communication, outlining the most important parts of our new protocols. Our wonderful social worker, Kim Bedford, has put together some helpful links that you may appreciate as we navigate this new chapter of the pandemic experience and associated lifestyle changes.


We have also outlined, in this newsletter, the reporting and assessment practices that we will be putting in place this semester.  It will be a bit different this time around, given the unusual circumstances of learning from home. We have planned for three-way conferences (online via Google Meet) to be held on the last day of this term, Friday 26th June. Students are not required at school this day but, as the Federal Government is supporting child care fees until the end of the term, TeamKids has offered to run a service for us free of charge if you need care on that day for your children. Please register for this by contacting TeamKids directly.  Students, if at school, will be able to access the three-way conference by using an iPad onsite, joining you and their teacher in your dedicated time slot.  More information in that section of the newsletter.


Please remember that this Monday 25th May is a mandated student-free day, so there will be no classes online or at school.

For families of students in Foundation - Year Two, please see if you can join the classes in their Meets on Friday morning, so you can be part of the discussion about the return to school and ask questions directly of the teacher if you need.


I know it is hard and disappointing that we need to put in such protocols in our Return to School Strategy but, if we work together and stay strong as a community, we can do this well. One of the key factors in keeping safe is social distancing, and it will only work if we all do it.  If we show the children that we think measures such as handwashing, being careful around shared items and social distancing are important, then they are more likely to value it and start to mirror our behaviour and habits.


I thank you all for what an amazing job you have done, and some continue to do, in homeschooling.  It is a seriously hard thing to do when you have to teach your own children and, in most cases, work from home yourselves.  We are well aware of the pressures it has put you all under, and the entire staff at OGPS want to give you a loud virtual shout-out and rigorous applause in appreciation and thanks for what you have done.  On the whole, it has been a positive experience for the children and this would not have been possible without your support.


Take care everyone and look after yourself. Put the books away on Friday night and just enjoy yourselves as a family.  I know that is what I will be doing.  I'm looking forward to being a community that can be together again in person.

Please stay safe!


 Glenda Harry


PS. (Helpful links for families) On page 8 by Kim Bedford (Social Worker)