Creative and Performing Arts News

Remote teaching in the Creative and Performing Arts was, like for all of us, a real challenge. How do you respond and remain ‘creative’ in an environment which can be on the surface of it all, disconnected and systematic. 

The Creative and Performing Arts relies on people being with people, watching and observing how they interact, how the learn from others and in turn how each individual learns. It relies on interpreting language, movement, emotion, social interactions, significance, connection and community. The big question then asked is - how do you absorb and evolved that into something creative through a computer screen?

How do you conduct a musical ensemble and guide through a performance if you cannot see how each individual responds non-verbally. So much of our dramatic performances are non-verbal in their story telling. Visual Artists and Photographers direct, teach and guide through practising their art with an audience. How do they tell their instructional stories remotely?

The culture of a school, if it could be measured, is often most obvious through its creative community, a community of students, teachers, parents and specialists from around our community. Much of the COVID remote time was measured in dollars and statistics. I measure it with much more and it has no yardstick. Enjoy the images of our students and you be judge of what is valued in our community and culture.


Mr Jarrod Walters

Head Teacher Creative & Performing Arts


Year 12 Photography & Digital Imaging

What a fabulous term for year 12 Photography. It is hard to believe that these are some of the images that the students are 'discarding' as they work towards the completion of their Individual Project. This wonderful work is from Keira, Kasey, Lani, Rachel, Dylan & Emilie.