Year Advisers Reports

7, 9 and 11

Year 7

What a year and we are only half way through! Year 7 has had a very unusual start to high school, with transition to high school from primary, then transition to online learning then coming back to face to face learning. Not the start they were expecting. To all the Year 7 students well done on managing the constant changes and adapting to the expectations that were given to them. I have had many good reports come back from your teachers on how well you did during the online phase, and how well you managed with returning to classes. 


Unfortunately, we had to postpone the Year 7 Camp, I know many were looking forward to it. At present it has been scheduled for Monday 9 to Wednesday 11 November 2020, if there are any changes parents will be advised. 


Year 7 have had their immunisations in Term 1 and Term 2. If any students missed either days, they can catch up in Term 4. A note will be sent home closer to the date. Students who had the immunisation in Term 1 will have a booster in Term 4, and students who had the immunisation in Term 2 will have their booster next year. 


In Term 3, Year 7 have exciting things to look forward to. Firstly, for their technology mandatory classes they will be changing teachers and area of focus, students will be either learning Textiles, Food & Agriculture, Engineering or Digital Technologies. Secondly, hopefully students have chosen their sport for Term 3, this will start in Week 2. Please remember if required, to hand in the permission note and/or payment to the front office. 


In the July holidays, I encourage all students to look after themselves not only physically but their mental health as well. It has been a difficult start to high school, and they need to reflect on all the positives, and look forward to the exciting opportunities that will be happening. 


Lastly, remember: 

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind!”
Mrs Karen Hogan Year 7 Adviser
Mrs Karen Hogan Year 7 Adviser


Year 9

It has been a challenging Term 2 to say the least. It was a strange time for us all but we have managed to come out the other side. Some with new talents and others with new found interests. Most of Year 9 did a fabulous job of adjusting to online learning very quickly and they should be commended for their efforts. Year 9 students would also like to thank all their teachers for their ongoing support whilst learning at home and whilst back in the classroom. 


Year 9 have been participating in a lunchtime dodgeball tournament in week 9. There were some fabulous talents on the court and some great teamwork and sportsmanship were displayed. The winning team – Team Gunn, was a mix of Year 9 and 10 students and were the underdogs going into the Grand Final but they came through to win the game in the last 3 minutes. Well done, Team Gunn! 

All Stage 5 subjects have now started Assessment Tasks again. Year 9 have many tasks due in the last week of term and the first week of Term 3. It is important that they keep up to date with all Assessment Tasks and stay organised. 


Term 3 will see the school move into a relatively ‘normal’ schedule, with school sport starting back and whole school and year assemblies. I know Year 9 are looking forward to getting back into Tuesday afternoon sport. 


Enjoy the upcoming school holidays and stay safe. I look forward to seeing you all back ready to tackle a new term! 

Miss Tamara Sexty Year 9 Adviser
Miss Tamara Sexty Year 9 Adviser

Year 11

I would like to start by congratulating Year 11 on how well they have coped with the upheaval caused by having to learn from home this term and last. Most students engaged well with online learning and continued to progress as they returned to school. Year 11 students have produced some amazing work and adjusted well to the necessary changes to their assessment schedules. Students who have struggled have been encouraged to access the resources available here at school, in particular, help with tasks on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and many students have taken advantage of this assistance.


Next term will see the conclusion of Year 11 studies. It will be a busy one with more tasks and completion of course work, culminating in yearly exams, weeks 9 and 10. Students are encouraged to increase their efforts on order to start their HSC studies motivated and confident.


Applications for School Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects are currently open and are due for submission Monday, Week 2. I would encourage any student interested in leadership to submit an application form. The process of writing the application, preparing a resume, attending an interview and speaking to staff and students is in itself a worthwhile experience, even if not successful. There are many students in Year 11 whom I feel would do a fine job in student leadership, so challenge yourself!


To finish the term on a lighter note students participated in a Year 11 vs Year 12 dodgeball game this week. Year 12 were successful in the first round but I’m confident we’ll get them next time!

Hope everyone has an enjoyable break and returns to school ready to tackle Term 3!

Mrs Julie Starkey Year 11 Adviser
Mrs Julie Starkey Year 11 Adviser