Special Education News

Special Education News

A very interesting Term 2 with all the all the changes around Covid-19. Thank you for your patience around NDIS delivered services in schools. We hope in the future to have some of these services back and running. Hopefully our coffeshop will be up and running for parents and guests sometime in Term 3.

Toward the end of term we were able to get out a for a little fresh air for community access. Many of our students whilst at Crackneck Point Lookout were lucky enough to spot some whales on their northerly migration.  

Special Ed Visit the Farm

On Friday students from our Special Ed. Unit were lucky, to be invited, to go down to Henry Kendall High School Farm to see the recently born piglets. The students loved seeing the 12 little piglets running around with their huge mother. They were just so cute, all the students loved them.

Some students were fortunate enough to hold a four day old piglet which they were very excited about. We also enjoyed seeing and feeding the cows, sheep and chickens.A very big thankyou to Mr Gillard for showing us around the Farm. 


We all had a wonderful morning.






Mrs Kathy Secomb

Special Education Teacher


The 11/12 Creative Arts Group have been enjoying learning about Picasso and Cubism this term. Their final project was to design a 'Picasso portrait' inspired by the shapes, colours and perspectives of cubism. They then had to turn their design into a 3D sculpture using clay.

The results were fantastic!

Happy Birthday Poppy!

A very big happy birthday to our Poppy who turns 3 in the school holidays!

Mr Peter Yates

Head Teacher Special Education Unit