Learning Space Update 

'Each child benefits from an environment where ‘every person is known’.

Focus on Level 3/4 

Year 3/4 Reflection


The students loved returning to school and during the first week we did a lot of social and emotional learning. We were all given Beanie Bears as they are our Hope Bears. It doesn’t matter what happens in your life there is always a glimmer of hope! We wrote and did a lot of activities about our bears. We also played games and had lots of fun getting to know each other again back in the classroom environment. 


Here are some reflections about being back at school. 


We have enjoyed being back at school because we can see our friends. We also like being back at school because we can learn properly and it is much more fun! 

By Paulina and Chantelle (3/4NG)


I’m happy to be back at school because I get to see my friends and my teacher.  I also get to see the other teachers and students in the school. By Makarios (3/4NG)

ENjoying the garden
ENjoying the garden


School is fun as you can see your friends. You can play with new students and be their friends. Coming back to school was fun because I played sports and did art. By Marin Q (3/4CH)


School is fun as you get to see your friends and teachers. The best thing is that you can see your friends face to face. I think the teachers missed us very much. I missed my teachers very much too. So I’m very happy to be back at school. 

By Mia P (3/4CH)

Some sunshine in our garden
Some sunshine in our garden


I loved coming back to school because I got to see my teachers face to face. I disliked having to be on the iPad for many hours. When I came back to school I was able to work with my teacher and friends. By Dylan (3/4BA)

Loving being back together
Loving being back together