Alfred Street ELC 

'At the heart of this facility is the belief that each child is a competent learner from birth. The kindergarten’s team of nurturing and experienced educators deliver high quality and inclusive three and four-year-old kindergarten programs that help each child realise their potential'.

Our 3 & 4 Year Olds are flourishing upon their return to Alfred St ELC @ St Anthony's




This term certainly started very differently. Whilst we remained open, a number of our families chose to keep their children at home. Children who were at home were provided with remote learning packs. A great deal of thought was put into the activities that were sent home. We also communicated via ZOOM reading stories together and singing songs.

Our mothers weren’t forgotten…..we sent home instructions and materials so that the children could make a gift for their mums. 

On Mothers’ Day we had a ZOOM get together, the children were very excited to see all their friends.



Our morning routine has changed to ensure the health and safety of both children and staff. Temperature checks on arrival have become the norm as has the use of hand sanitizer. Wherever possible we practice social distancing and the children have been very diligent in ‘catching’ a cough or sneeze in their elbow.

We started the term with very few children but as the weeks progressed more children have been in attendance.

Blue Group have had a very busy term. Many of their activities have revolved around their continued interest in dinosaurs. 

The children have been doing lots of counting and colour sorting.

One of their favourite stories this term was The Wonky Donkey. The children loved the story so much that they actually made their own wonky donkeys.

Blue group have been discussing recycling and sustainability…in fact they have so far transformed one cardboard box from a magic carpet to a rocketship and now it’s a school bus!

Green Group have been very focused on literacy this term. The children are very interested in writing their own names. We have been discussing upper and lower case and the children love recognizing their friends names. 




During Reconciliation Week we shared Dreamtime stories with the children. The children were very interested in a series of books we have as they are illustrated by children. As a group the children created their own Rainbow serpent and some magnificent birds from the story The parrot, the hawk and The Crow.


The children are all gaining in confidence and forming friendship groups. They play together so nicely and enjoy working on activities together.