taking it to the top

Year 8 Camp 2018

The Summit, Trafalgar

Michelle O'Brien

Year 8 Coordinator


The Year 8 cohort embarked on their camp this term, visiting The Summit in Trafalgar.


This venue is known for a program that includes exciting, inspiring and unique activities.  While a lot of fun is had, the activities are designed to develop  resilience, leadership, confidence and teamwork skills as well as to promote personal growth. 


I am pleased to say that the cohort made every effort to embrace the experience, making the most of the chance to learn in this unique environment as well as to develop new, and cement already strong, friendships.  All worked cooperatively and with enthusiasm, and can be very proud of their efforts.

Amelia N
Amelia N

Amelia Nash

Year 8

The camp was amazing because I learned so many things I didn't even know that it was possible I could learn!