Principal's Report

School Pride
It is amazing to think that we have already hit half way through term 4. This is the time that we really reflect on the year and set goals for the future. We look at the success of our students, the achievements of our staff and the school and where it is heading in the future. There is always something to do at a school and planning and achieving goals for students, staff and the school is an important part of ending the year.
Last year we set our school strategic plan goals as a school team. This was part of our school review. The school has a review every four years to look at its goals and achievements. Data is analysed, classroom visits happen, students, teachers and parents share their thoughts about the school.
Our School Strategic Plan Goals
Goal 1
Improve student learning growth for all students in Literacy.
Key Improvement Strategies
Develop the capacity of teachers to become instructional leaders in Literacy.
Embed the consistent implementation of the agreed instructional model
This year the staff have focused on writing during our Professional Leanring Community (PLC) meetings. This involves staff coming together with work samples or data to analyse where a student is working at and what strategies they can use to support growth. All of the staff collaborate and share ideas to support everyone to help students achieve.
Stephanie Davies is our Literacy Leader and will also be visiting Kilmore Primary School to look at their PLC practice to see what she can bring back and share with us. Like Upper Ferntree Gully PS KIlmore is also one of 17 schools in the state that is a PLC Link school.
Goal 2
Improve student learning growth for all students in Numeracy.
Key Improvement Strategies
Develop the capacity of teachers to become instructional leaders in Numeracy.
Embed the consistent implementation of the agreed instructional model
As part of a small school within the network we have been working with 5 other small schools to support each other with improving teacher practice, sharing resources and school processes. We are known as the Boutique Schools Network, we wanted to highlight that we were special and not just small. It has been a great experience this year to share professional learning.
Amy Cheers as our Maths leader will be attending a Boutique Schools Maths Leader Planning Day. The Maths Leaders from the school will be collaborating to develop an approach to mathematics and planning that will be supported by all staff. Working with staff from other schools supports our staff to have opportunities to learn from others and not just our small staff. They have really valued the experience and it will continue into the future.
Goal 3
Improve student voice and agency in their learning.
Key Improvement Strategies
Embed the development of identified learning goals for all students in Literacy and Numeracy
Embed the High Impact Teaching Strategies that support student voice and agency (Goal Setting and Feedback)
The staff have worked hard this year to also begin the four year strategy of implementing School Wide Positive Behaviour. School Wide Positive Behaviour is an approach that is supported by the Department of Education and is used in thousands of schools and organisations around the world. The Diagram below shows the complexity of the the implementation, this is why it is a four year process to fully implement. Danielle Donaovan, as our Wellbeing Leader has been working with the Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Coordinator Sarah Spence, from the Department of Education. They have been working to develop supports and strategies to assist the school with implementing the approach.
Every year schools face a different challenge and we continue to work through them together. I am very proud of the collegiality and community that Upper Ferntree Gully demonstrates through its support and positivity towards each other.
The staff work together to collaborate and problem solve and the parents support the teachers at our school to do the best for the students. It is always wonderful at this time of year to look back and see that while we have worked hard and been in the thick of it we have achieved a lot of success.
Have a great week everyone.