and the human race

Rhiannen Eastaway

School Nurse


As part of the ongoing Peer Support Program,  the Year 10 Peer Support Leaders ran an ‘Amazing Race’ event for the Year 7 students in the second last week of term.


The Peer Support group have been working all term to create and organise a range of activities to be included in the event. These were designed to excite and challenge the cohort in a variety of ways and were specifically developed with the idea of presenting  "something for everyone" - ensuring that all participants would be engaged and included.  


To complete the BSC Amazing Race, teams had to draw on a wide range of skills including (but not limited to) positive and logical thinking, construction skills, sporting prowess, creativity and artistic talent.  Individual team members contributed their strengths and skills to produce strong, motivated and supportive units ready to tackle to different challenges.


The central themes of the BSC Amazing Race were teamwork and kindness with a clear link to the BSC school values -  Responsibility, Persistence, Teamwork, Excellence, Achievement and Respect.  Principals, teachers, wellbeing staff and Peer Support Leaders were actively encouraging these values throughout the event and rewarding teams with bonus points for great teamwork and positive behaviour.


This event was a fun way for students to actively practice the values they learn through the health curriculum - such as managing challenging situations in a team environment i.e. life skills.  It also provided the opportunity to promote inclusion and to celebrate the diversity within our school community. Added to this, students enjoyed the physical challenge of the race!


The event generated much good will; the grounds were really abuzz as teams raced their way to clues and challenges - calling out, encouraging each other, smiling and laughing. Everyone reported lots of positive feedback and all who participated had a really enjoyable afternoon in the sun.


Click on the gallery below to find out more about our Peer Support Program.