the most


meal of the week


Tayler Roberts

VCAL Coordinator


One strand of study within the Year 12 VCAL program, Personal Development Skills,  requires students to identify their strengths,  develop skills such as teamwork and responsibility, and to  increase their engagement with others on an individual and community level.


Undertaking a major community project addresses all of the requirements of the Personal Development Skills studies. Additionally, a project provides the students with tangible, real-world goals to which to aspire, allowing them to work as a team and  to draw on their individual strengths.  


This year's Year 12 VCAL cohort tackled their project head on.  Together they decided to challenge themselves with a question:

Earlier in the year, VCAL students surveyed students from Years 7 to 10 and found that an alarming number of students were not having an adequate breakfast before coming to school each day, so the VCAL cohort decided that they would like to set up a breakfast club.


VCAL students went out and engaged with local businesses in the Brunswick community to establish donation partnerships to sustain this program.


Running every Thursday morning, this program welcomes all students and staff. A range of food is on offer - fruit, cereals,  toast, hot beverages - and students can sit and socialise over breakfast.  The growing popularity of the Breakfast Club has seen ever increasing numbers attending - and this is testament to the continuous hard work of the Year 12 VCAL students who run the program. Well done! 

Support the businesses that support our students

The VCAL Breakfast is supported by a number of local businesses and organisations,  all of whom contribute goods toward the buffet! 


We extend our sincere thanks to them all and look forward to long and mutually beneficial partnerships.


IMPORTANTLY - We ask that the wider school community supports these businesses wherever possible.  

If you do trade with them,  please remember to thank them in person so that they know how appreciated they really are and the huge impact they are making in their local community!


In addition to our very generous corporate sponsors,  individuals within our community have also donated toward the VCAL enterprise. We take this opportunity  to extend our special thanks to Sharon Orbell who has regularly delivered deliciously irresistible home-made goodies for all to enjoy!

Caroline Hart

Student Wellbeing

The Breakfast Club has brought together staff and students from across the school to create an opportunity for our school community to spend time together.  The Year 12 VCAL teachers and students, in particular, have put in an enormous amount of hard work and effort behind the scenes to make the Breakfast Club the warm and welcoming space that it provides. 


One of the many wonderful things I’ve noted so far is the number of people – students, staff, families, small local businesses – who have voluntarily contributed to the Breakfast Club each week.  Not only have our Year 12 VCAL students risen to the challenge of being at school an hour earlier than usual, I’ve seen students of all year levels helping the VCAL students with preparation (making toast etc), washing and drying dishes and writing riddles or inspirational messages on the board. 

Teachers and other staff are also making the time to enjoy their pre-school-day cuppa whilst chatting with students and beyond the school gate, parents are supporting the venture by sending in baked goods for all to share.  

The wider school community has embraced the VCAL Breakfast club as a destination of choice every Thursday morning ; making time to chat with friends,  meet and talk to teachers and other staff, to have a cuppa, a bite to eat and to start the day with a smile.   The sense of community at the Club is tangible and empowering for us all.


Anonymous student comments about the club have been gathered,  and these really communicate the sense and spirit that this exciting  VCAL initiative has delivered to BSC.

What students LIKE about the

VCAL Breakfast Club

  • “I like the atmosphere.  I like how you can chat to people from every aspect in the school.”
  • “It’s a great way to build school community.  Very laid-back social setting for all students and staff to enjoy and good use of the new building.”
  • “It’s fun eating good food with friends!”
  • “Breakfast Club is the best idea BSC has ever had.  Change nothing.”

What could be improved in regard to 


​VCAL Breakfast Club?

  • 'It should be every day!"
  • “More chairs” - “More mugs” - “More food” -  “More varieties of tea” - "More days of the week!"
  • many definite requests for pancakes and muffins (especially the muffins cooked by School Captain, Antonio Cowell's mum!)

The VCAL team will take all this on board, and wherever possible,  make changes in line with suggestions. Feedback is always appreciated, as it is a way to improve the Club and involve more students.


The VCAL Breakfast Club has, in an incredibly short time, drawn in so many members of the the school community to enjoy social time together.   This remarkable success is down to the commitment of the VCAL cohort and their teachers who asked themselves how best to 'give back' and make a difference to their community.  They have presented the BSC community with a priceless gift and also set a fabulous example for others.


As their time to move on from the college  draws near, these students can be proud that they will be leaving a valuable legacy for others to perpetuate into the future.