International Students' Carnival
To celebrate Multicultural Week, the International Student Captains hosted the 2015 Asian Carnival in March at school. A lot of interesting and fun games were organised at recess and lunchtime in the quadrangle. Students had a first-hand experience with these cultural activities and were rewarded with delicious Asian snacks!
Junling Yang
International Student Coordinator
International Students' Forum
The International Students' Forum was held at the State Library on 29 April. The Forum is an annual event which provides an opportunity for international and local students to explore key issues in education, specifically in relation to the experience of international students.
Kew High School students Yuxiang Zhang, Amby Nguyen, Zhiwei Zhu and Ayisha Alush-Jaggs participated in this year's forum, which was attended by the Education Minister and representatives from 37 Victorian schools. The Forum was an excellent opportunity for international students to engage positively with local students, participate in discussions and to have their opinions valued. Our students had a great day at the Forum. Ayisha was the MC of the event and she did a fantastic job.
Junling Yang
International Student Coordinator