Go Kew!
On Monday 4 May, Kew High girls participated in a senior sport football round robin. Approximately 30 girls from years 10 - 12 signed up, all willing to give girls footy a try in this one-day event. We headed off to Camberwell where the event took place. Feeling both nervous and excited, we were pumped upon arrival, ready to play and to represent our school.
With the weather being kind, bringing warmth and sunshine, we started off the day with a bye. This left time for positions to be sorted, skills and tactics to be taught and practised. Come game time, we were well and truly ready to hit the field and the girls united with a loud and enthusiastic chant, intimidating the opposition.
The first game against Doncaster started with a quick goal to Kew, sparking an overwhelming lift in confidence for our girls. Everyone had a touch, kick or a handball and we weren’t afraid to throw our bodies around and tackled ferociously. It was a tough game, but Kew pulled through taking out the win 25 points to 2! The second game against Camberwell A was a struggle as the opposition took the lead early. We fought hard with the backline (defence) making it difficult. Although we kicked a goal and had opportunities with a lot of the ball being in our forward 50m zone in the second half, Camberwell A won 15 to 9. These results put us in second place in our pool which meant we had to play Camberwell B in the other pool to play off for third place. We stepped up a level for this game, skilfully scoring goals, running, bouncing and dashing through the centre and fighting through our fatigue to win by a large margin of 49 to 19. The win won us third place overall out of six participating teams.
The day itself was fun for all girls participating, with smiles and team spirit throughout! Go Kew!
Sophia Ikosidekas
Year 12
Sports Captain