On March 12 the Australian Sharemarket Game launched with a huge number of students from schools who are studying finance participating in the exciting realistic stock market simulator game. This game ran until the end of May.
In the game each student began with 50 thousand dollars to invest in different business shares and had to ideally buy shares which would rise in value and then sell them off to someone else to make profit. The game included real life stock prices and was updated every second. All the prices were from the real stock market although what the players bought and sold obviously did not affect the real stock market.
This year there was a rather large participation with 11,049 Australian students playing and 3,383 of them were Victorians. For coming first in Australia there was a prize of $2,500 dollars and $1,000 for the highest score in Victoria.
On the ASX website there were a number of tutorials on how to play the sharemarket game and what it was all about which made it an easier game to learn to play and it was very interesting for people who enjoy finance.
Mr Friend, the year 10 finance teacher said, “The ASX game is a very practical sharemarket game which shows young students the basics of how to invest and how to research different companies and how they work. It explains how shares increase and why they change the way they do every day. It gives students a good realistic idea of how the stock market works and many students enjoy it.”
Luca Paola
Year 10 Journalism