From the English Faculty 

Benjamin White 

The 2021 VCE exam season kicked off with the English exam on Wednesday, October 27.


While previous students have contended with curveball topics, and a challenging Section C, this year’s paper was fair and accessible. Students left the Exam Hall relieved and optimistic about their efforts. 


This year’s Year 12 students have dedicated themselves to their studies and have overcome and adapted to the rapid, ever-changing circumstances that we find ourselves in. While the English exam is only the first of many exams in the coming weeks, this has put them in good stead to achieve success. 


Mrs. Carswell, Mr. Harms, Mr. Furze and I thank them for bringing their passion and enthusiasm into the English classroom this year and we wish them all the very best for the remainder of 2021 and beyond. 














Ned Bennett proudly holds the ‘Cue Card Challenge’ trophy, awarded for the most successful recall of key quotes for the English exam.


Benjamin White

English Faculty Leader