Faith & Mission

Danny Franc 

“Graced Encounters” – from Heart coming Home by Noel Davis 

There are those folks who walk with us a little of the way, open our eyes awaken our hearts and leave us better for being with them. 

They are a gift to us the presence of Spirit the flesh and blood of Love. 

We feel loved, loving as we move on to gift another along the way. 


As we have returned to face-to-face learning, I have been reminded of what we offer each other when we come together. Each of us have a special gift, and if we take our time to open our eyes, ears and hearts to these gifts, we will gain much from each other.


This was evident during our our recent Year 8 Reflection Days, held for one Homeroom at a time for half day sessions. Each Year 8 student finally got some formal formation in the MSC ethos, as they unfortunately missed out on this last year due to Covid 19.


Father Bob Irwin introduced the MSC story to the students, and then time was taken to reflect on what it means to be a Monivae student and staff member. The day concluded with each student writing themselves a letter that they will receive back at Year 12 retreat.


Another gift offered by our staff and students were our Tins for St Vinnies. A good collection of food will be delivered to the local St Vincent de Paul society in time for them to distribute food around Christmas (yes, it is quickly coming up.)


Speaking of Christmas, Monivae will soon be putting a Christmas tree up in the foyer. We ask that our Christmas Appeal is supported, where unwrapped presents are donated under the tree for children of all ages. These are once again given to the local St Vincent de Paul society.


A reminder also, that during the month of November, a candle will be burning in the Monivae Chapel in memory of all of those friends and family who have passed away. We have a Book of Remembrance that we invite anyone who wishes to write the name of a loved one who has passed away, and prayers will be offered for these people during our weekly masses with Father Ted.


Upcoming Events:

Tue. Nov 9 - Reflection dayYear 7.1 and Year 7.2

Wed. Nov 10 - Reflection dayYear 7.3 and Year 7.4

Fri. Nov 26 – Year 12 Graduation Mass and awards ceremony (**NOTE, date change from previous newsletter)


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere, loved

Out Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us!


Danny Franc

Director of Faith and Mission