Year 12 Results

Year 12 results will be available for students on Thursday 16th December at 7.00am. 


Mrs Crossman and Mrs Lees will be available on the 16th December at St Joseph’s College in the Careers Office to rejoice with your student, assist with change of preferences etc if required and support if needed through this sometimes difficult process.


Please call the school phone or the school mobile 0408 356 114 to make an appointment with us if you would prefer on Thursday 16th December or just drop in, we want to celebrate with you and offer all the support we can.


Mrs Crossman will have the School Mobile with her during the holidays and is available until the 24th December and from the 28th December – 7th January if the 16th is not convenient or if any further assistance is required.


La Trobe University will also be at St Joseph’s College on the 17th December between 1.30pm and 2.30pm if you require any assistance with change of preference.


Please find attached a useful document to also assist you with this process.



Good luck and remember we are here to support your student, please tell them not to be a stranger.


Beth Crossman & Belinda Lees

Senior School Coordinators