Year Six PYP Exhibition

In the students’ final year of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP), which occurs in Year Six, students participate in an Exhibition. Students engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems. Through this process, they implement the essential elements of the PYP and celebrate their learning by sharing their inquiry. Due to restrictions this year the students published their Exhibition pieces via a Google Site and shared it at home with their families. They also presented to Year 5, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the teachers and students.

Angela Houghton PYP Coordinator


In the 10 week process of Exhibition there was a certain process we had followed. We started by picking 3 topics we were interested in. Our topics were inspired by the UN Sustainable Goals which include no poverty, affordable and clean energy, clean water and sanitation and so much more.  The teachers then divided us into groups of 2-3 people that were interested in the same topics. Although we had to follow a certain operation, we did have a voice in some of our elements. We had one optional element where we got to pick an art piece, an ICT element, a science element etc. We enjoyed picking one of our own elements because it gave us more control of our own Exhibition. We worked together as a group with the teacher’s guidance and support when we needed it. We also had another person to help us, all groups were assigned a mentor teacher. Our mentor was just an extra person we could talk to when we needed help or just had any questions. When you get your mentor teacher I advise you to take advantage of it because they will always lend a helping hand. Exhibition was such an adventure and was so fun to experience. 

Sophie Year 6


During Exhibition, each student group had the responsibility to take action on their topic of interest as part of the requirements.  Action means trying to make a positive change for our topic or issue. Issues students chose to inquire into included climate change, trauma, gender equality and endangered animals. As all of these problems are negatively impacting the world today, our goal was to take one small step towards it being solved through our action. My group chose Body Shaming as their issue and we took action by sending letters to retail stores on changing their display models to include all body types. The Cyber Bullying group made a slideshow to put on the office TV and the Racism in the AFL group made a speech to present to the AFL community.

Alyssa Year 6


Exhibition is a really great experience for Year 6 students to represent what they are passionate about. It’s not only for the grade 6s though, it’s an amazing experience for younger students and families to learn about worldwide or national issues. It’s really cool to see all the work of the other students and find out what they are interested in. You get to make or see so many beautiful displays and it is overall, a wonderful experience for both the Year sixes, their families and fellow students.

Amelia Year 6