Project Rockit

Project Rockit

Our Year 8’s and 9’s were lucky enough to enjoy a full day workshop with the fun team from Project Rockit on Monday 30th July. The workshop was part of our Reality Check program which has been running with our Junior School students throughout the year.

Project Rockit ran their full Dot Com workshop which explore the risks and rewards of challenging bullying, building  peer support in online spaces, challenging  judgement and social labels and launching strategies to stand up for yourself and others who are experiencing (cyber)bullying.

Their approach recognised that (cyber) bullying is a social issue that plays out online for our students, so much of the day addressed the social factors and drivers that often spill online: standing out versus fitting in, relationship ethics, privacy and consent and celebrating diversity.

Danni and Elsa were fun and engaging presenters who were able to challenge and work with our students to highlight the impact their behaviour has on others and how they could change those to make school and the online world a more pleasant place to be.