Term 2 Newsletter

Term 1 Reflection

Term One was a very successful term where the Foundation students continued to develop independence and organisational skills, demonstrating that they have settled into their new schooling environment. The Year Six buddies have played a wonderful role in the students'  transition into school. Our excursion to the zoo brought big smiles and helped to cement the bond the Foundation students share with their

buddies. The Year Sixes will continue to assist  them throughout the school year.

Term 2: Inquiry- Staying Alive

This term our Science Inquiry topic is ‘What do  humans and animals need to stay alive?’. The children will investigate healthy food choices, body parts and what we all need to survive. The students can look forward to an excursion to Myuna Farm, an incursion from Market Fresh to teach them about fruit and vegetables and lots of fun, hands-on activities.

Language Experiences

Throughout the year the children will participate in a variety of enjoyable language experiences to further their literacy learning. During Term One we undertook a range of activities, from art and craft through to cooking. When exploring the sound of the letter ‘T’ we had lots of fun making t,t,t toast and attempted to keep our spreads on our toast rather than the table!

This term the students will be focusing on:

Maths: Number – counting forwards and backwards from 20, sequencing numbers and ordinal numbers.

Measurement & Geometry – Days of the week and measuring different lengths.

English: Speaking and Listening – Questioning and speaking to an audience.

Reading: Literacy Rotations- Sounds, words and reading strategies.

Writing: Handwriting, recounts, dominant sounds and sentence structure.

Spelling: Letter sounds & spelling rules.

Term 2 Dates for the Calendar

· ANZAC DAY—25th April

· Thursday 26th April- Responsible Pet Ownership

· Friday 27th April - Casual Clothes Day

· Monday 7th May - Friday 18th May - Junior         School Swimming Program

· Monday 21st May - 23rd May - Book Fair

· Friday 25th May -Casual Clothes Day

· Wednesday 30th May - Market Fresh Incursion

· Wednesday 6th June- Myuna Farm Excursion

· Monday 11th June - Queens B’day

· Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st June -   Rolling Fun Healthy Restaurant

· Friday 29th June - End of Term Two, 2:30pm     dismissal. Casual Clothes Day.

Just a Friendly Reminder

Birthdays– If you wish to bring a treat to share with the class for your child’s birthday, please ensure it is an individual item that can be given out. e.g. cupcakes or Freddo frogs. Also please list ingredients for children with allergies.

Word Study- Your child will be assessed on their  letters/words on a Thursday. When children have successfully learnt them, they will be given the next set of words. Please continue to help your child to learn their words & thank you for your wonderful support!