
Quarantine Art Club - Colour Wheel Challenge

Welcome to ‘Quarantine Art Club’ this week’s challenge is to create a colour wheel from household objects. The idea is simple… gather items in bright, solid colours from around your home, assemble them into colour wheel order, and snap a pic! Then email your creation to Mrs O’Keefe ( All submission will go in a draw to WIN a voucher for art supplies. All entries will receive house points!!

Submission Due Date: 11th May 2020. 


Here are a few tips I learned while putting my colour wheel together


Start assembling your colour wheel as you find things. Pick a spot where you’ll have good lighting for your photo – you won’t want to move it once you have it all assembled!

Using something round as a template is helpful.

Make sure you get the colours in the right order (not optional!)…. Just remember ROYGBIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Check your work by making sure the complimentary colours are across from each other…. red should be across from green, orange across from blue, and yellow across from violet. (Fun fact: If you mix any two complimentary colours together you get brown!)

Take your picture from higher up than you think you need to, holding the camera level, and then crop it to a tight square. This is easier than trying to take the picture in a square and hoping that it fits perfectly without cropping. Trust me on this one!

Try not to get too carried away collecting things…. remember, you have to put it all back!

All submissions need to be emailed to Mrs O’Keefe ( The BSC Create Visual Team cannot wait to see what you create. HAVE FUN!