
We signed The #QiComms Charter, have you?

ISQua was one of the first organisations to sign the #QiComms Charter.


The #QiComms Charter invites all quality improvement leaders across the world to recognise the strategic place that communication plays in improvement and take steps to integrate it into their work.


#QiComms is described as the strategic communications part of quality and safety improvement that builds will and strengthens momentum for achieving improvement goals.


Developed by the International #QiComms Group, of which ISQua is a member, the Charter’s seven principles have been developed by international leaders in improvement to convey the often overlooked impact the use of strategic communications can make to the success of improvement work.


We know that you are committed to delivering high quality services - which is why we are sharing The #QiComms Charter with you and inviting you to sign too.

The Charter’s seven principles focus attention on the often overlooked role of strategic communications in improvement work. 


The seven principles are:

  • We will use #QiComms to accelerate our improvement work for the benefit of patients and everyone we serve.
  • We will plan our #QiComms from the start.
  • We will give #QiComms support at the highest level.
  • We will take a strategic approach to #QiComms.
  • We will make our #QiComms evidence-based.
  • We will continuously improve our #QiComms.
  • We will put people at the centre of our #QiComms work.

You can read more about the Charter and sign up here: bit.ly/qicomms-charter 


We are really excited about the #QiComms Charter. We believe it has the potential to strengthen your improvement work, help you achieve impact and accelerate you towards your improvement goals.


If you and your organisation aspire to these principles, please sign and become part a growing international community of practice discovering the power of strategic communications in their improvement work.