Upper Primary Learning

 Term 3 Highlights and Achievements

It has been a long cold term but this hasn’t stopped the great ‘learning’ that’s been happening in Upper Primary classes. The content areas covered have included Place Value, Multiplication and Division, Money and Capacity, Reading and Comprehension and ‘describing’ in Writing.

All classes have started their ‘free write’ sessions.


All students have worked hard at developing their Literacy and Numeracy skills and have participated in many and varied activities in our Integrated Unit based on Life Cycles. Across the section classes have investigated the life cycles of chickens, frogs, butterflies, turtles, snakes as well as plants such as beans and peas. All classes planted various seeds and watched them grow. PDC planted a whole mini veggie garden. It was impressive.


All classes enjoyed the excursion to CERES. Whilst there the students planted seeds in a recyclable pot, investigated worms and bees and what role they play in the environment.


A major part of the Unit was watching all 13 eggs hatch in the Discovery Centre. There were yellow, brown, black and multi coloured fluffy chicks. All students had the opportunity to hold the chicks over the 10 days that they were here.


This term the Class Captains were: PDJ – Carlos, PKJ – Spencer, PCA – Uzochi, PKO – Karen, PSC – Husien, PDC – Cristian and PMJ – Owen. School Leaders were Fiorella from PMJ and James from PDJ. They all did a great job in their roles.


This term we welcomed Emma W as she joined the students in PSC and Chloe Venezia took over from Deanna as the classroom teacher in PDC.


Mid-term students from PCA went on camp to Phillip Island. Even though the weather was freezing they all had a fantastic time. They enjoyed all the activities including the giant swing, trampolining, archery, low ropes, the mechanical wall and billy cart racing. Then there were the visits to Nobbies to see the ‘Blow Hole’ and the amazing views at the end of the Boardwalk, the Wildlife Park where the students feed the wallabies and kangaroos and then dodged the emus. The visit to A Maze’N  Things was great fun. The students explored the Maze, the Magic Manor, Mini Golf, the Upside down room, Puzzle Island and some were brave enough to give the the Giant Drop Slide ago. Well done Alicia, Jasper, Rhys and Cath !!!!!!!


To celebrate Book Week students dressed up as a book character and then participated in a scavenger hunt based on different books. Once each class had found all the clues they had a guess what the book was. It was an exciting day for all involved.


Over the term PDC have had their own book Challenge, the goal was to read 100 books during the term. At the time of writing this, they were almost there. Congratulations to everyone in PDC, a great effort.


As part of their studies on ‘story telling of different cultures around the world’, PSC read the story of ‘The Four Dragons’. They then had lots of fun filming their production and to end the term, they performed it at the whole school assembly.





Chris Norman

Team Leader

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