Secondary 9/10

In Maths in the first two weeks of term classes have been recapping Place Value. They have looked at expanding numbers (eg 54,826 = 50 000 + 4 000 + 800 + 20 + 6), writing numbers in words, and renaming numbers (eg 420 = 42 tens). They have also been revisiting time with students working on a variety of activities including making clocks showing five minute intervals, telling the time in various forms and working with duration problems.
The classes have been busy in writing exploring poetry. The students have been really enthusiastic about this unit and have created some amazing pieces of work. They have explored different language features of poetry including similes and metaphors.
In reading we have continued our focus on comprehension. We have revisited making connections with the texts we read which can be text to self, text to text or text to world. It has been really satisfying to hear the students identify connections as they read with much more confidence in their ability to identify the connection and to correctly name the connection that they are making. It would be wonderful if you could have a conversation with your child at home about making connections while they are reading.
Classes have swapped their focus in Integrated Studies in term 4 to either Electricity or Changing State. SMV, SJG and SBF are now working on Electricity and SCI, SSB and SKA are now exploring Changing State.
Social Competencies
To start off the term, 9/10s have continued on with our Drug Education unit. In this unit, students have learnt about alcohol, marijuana and cigarettes. To do this we explore the law, side effects and why drug use can be dangerous by utilising trusted resources such as Your Room, Climate Schools and relevant YouTube videos.
Meanwhile PreCAL students finished making their class social story about healthy and unhealthy drugs. They classified medicine, cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine drinks by whether they are good or bad for you and identified the way someone would feel if they took that drug.
If parents are interested in following this up at home, DrinkWise has some excellent information on alcohol here: and the Better Health Channel has a great article on how to discourage your kids from smoking here:
I’ve been really impressed by the level of maturity and insights in connecting with this unit. Well done 9/10!
Courtney King
Social Competencies