Secondary 9/10 Team Leader's Message

Welcome back to our final term of the year, it is hard to believe that there are already Christmas decorations in the shops and preparations are beginning to plan for 2019! This week we have asked the students to write down the names of five people they would like to have in their class for 2019 to involve them in this process. Thank you also to the parents who have returned the class arrangements form.
We have an exciting term coming up in Secondary 9/10. We have our Celebration Evening occurring on Nov 7th, please make sure you return the RSVP slip to your classroom teacher so that we can organise the evening and cater for the right number of people. This term we will also be supporting our year 10 students as they transition to Secondary 11/12, answering their questions about VCAL and VET and celebrating their achievements in our section. Please make sure if your child is in year 10 that you attend our VCAL information evening on Nov 1st. A note was sent home about this in week 2, thank you to the families who have already RSVP’d for this event.
Team Leader
Sam Birrell