Around the College

Parent Staff Morning Tea

On Thursday, 8 August, the Parent Community of Doncaster Secondary College, along with the Wellbeing Team, hosted a Morning Tea for all staff as a thank you for all the work they do for students and parents of the College. I was quite overwhelmed as to the gratitude and joy that was expressed towards myself and the parents/caregivers that went out of their way to make something.

I would like to thank the families that sent food on the day and assure you all that the staff were blown away by the generosity and love shown through this thoughtful gesture. It would be great for this to become an ongoing tradition that I would love to see go from strength to strength as our community comes together to share dishes from all different cultural backgrounds. Thank you to all that contributed on the day.  Look out for another similar event towards the end of the year!


Sofia Georgiou

College Council President

Ziggy & Bowie celebrate 1st birthday

On Tuesday, 20 August, students and staff celebrated the 1st birthday of our very loved DSC Educational Support Dogs, Ziggy and Bowie. 

SRC update: DSC beanies

Given the high number of non-school beanies worn to school, the Student Representative Council requested an optional DSC beanie to be added to the school uniform. The initial proposition was to sell beanies as a fundraiser to support charities. Fortunately, the School Council liked the idea, however, they have decided that before any additions can be made, students must continue to follow the current uniform rules. With that we are hoping to limit the number of uniform passes, so we are then able to make further changes to the school uniform.


We appreciate the support from parents and staff and we encourage everyone to continue representing the school with pride.


Elina J. and Kelly W.

Middle School Captains