SEAL Program

Mock United Nations Assembly

Throughout term 2, the Year 7 SEAL Humanities class and the Year 10 SEAL English class have had the opportunity to work alongside each other in a unit of work titled the “Mock United Nations Assembly”.

The students selected a developing country to learn more about and used their research skills to determine general facts about the country as well as political, environmental and humanitarian issues surrounding the country. The students developed some detailed and effective ways of assisting their chosen country to ensure a better life for the locals. Through the use of their persuasive and presentation skills, the students presented their newfound knowledge to plead their country’s case to the leaders of our Mock UN. Thank you to our special guests acting as our Mock UN- Mrs Eva McMaster, Mrs Sarah Emanuel, Mrs Belinda McGee and

Mr Morgan Gardiner. All teams worked incredibly hard on their speeches and presented some insightful and well thought out solutions that would assist the countries for generations to come. It was excellent to see the Year 10 students acting as great mentors and assisting their Year 7 teammates with locating reliable sources and encouraging them in all aspects of their presentation.


The judges determined that the Azerbaijan team developed the most sustainable solutions and were very persuasive in their speech. Congratulations to Giverny, Dominic, Kyra and Sebastian!


Courtney Taylor 

Year 9 Coordinator