Student Amplify

Being a Leader at CSPS

Being a leader at CSPS is a big responsibility and a privilege. This means we will have to have lots of meetings during our own time, yard duty and helping the other year levels. We will need lots of confidence and be able to share our opinion with others. Every second Friday we will have to attend Assembly and speak with pride. We will always have to be in school uniform and be able to present ourselves well. When on excursions we will have to lead our peers and present our school with pride. As well as being responsible we must be a leader to the younger grades.

World Wildlife Day March 3 - 'Sustaining all Life on Earth'

What are we doing at Cranbourne South to celebrate World Wildlife Day?

Well thanks to Mrs Clements and our beautiful students, we are creating a whole school Australian wildlife mural! 

We have decided to focus on Australian native animals and plant species due to the recent bushfires. 

So many of our native animals were injured in the recent bushfire. Ecologists from the University of Sydney estimate almost half a billion mammals, birds and reptiles may have been lost. There are concerns that entire species of plants and animals may have been wiped out. 

What can you do?

Spread the word on social media: share your thoughts and upload a picture of yourself and those closest to you with our action card, or use our Social Media Kit for inspiration.

Use our hashtags for this year's celebration: #WorldWildlifeDay #WWD2020 #SustainingAllLife #Biodiversity2020 #SustainableUse

And do follow the official TwitterFacebook and Instagram accounts of World Wildlife Day.

Sustainability Environment Team


Have you heard of Nude? If not, get ready - because we are a Nude Food School.....EVERY DAY.

At Cranbourne South, we think packaging and wrapping area drain on resources. We want kids and their families to embrace fresh, natural, package free foods on a daily basis.

Nude Food uses less rubbish and energy. It helps decrease landfill because we are using reusable containers not wrappers and cartons.

Reducing the use of packaging can also be good for wildlife. There is a huge garbage patch in the ocean, it is a collection of plastics that covers a wide area of the Pacific, it is a known problem for wildlife. Fish and algae consume the plastic which can lead them to die and create great problems within the ecosystem.

Of course package free food tends to be healthier!

So please bring Nude Food to school everyday. It is good for you and great for the environment.

Year 6 SET Leaders