Maths @ CSPS

How can I help build my child's numeracy at home?

As parents, you play a significant role in your child’s learning by setting expectations, nurturing curiosity, and encouraging a love of learning. You can help build your child’s numeracy by doing the following:

be positive about their numeracy experiences and praise effort and perseverance

let your child know that everyone can be successful

seize everyday opportunities to capitalise on numeracy development

involve your child in numeracy-related activities

describe what you are doing in situations that involve numeracy

explain why you make certain numeracy choices

explore numeracy with your child

learn alongside your child and encourage a sharing of numeracy ideas and thoughts.

Helping children to become numerate does not need a high level of mathematics. It means:

encouraging children to try, then keep trying

encouraging children to think (reason)

supporting children while they do homework (which means encouraging them and taking an interest, but not doing the thinking for them)

modelling numeracy with children (including interpreting data, charts and diagrams)

talking aloud when solving problems (every day or mathematical)

getting children to check their answers (Does this answer make sense?)

encouraging children to help with;

cooking (especially measuring out ingredients)

paying bills

scheduling events in the day

reading maps and giving directions


measuring –– and thanking them for their support

do not say “Maths is hard” or “I was never good at maths”. Numeracy capability is not inherited but attitudes are contagious.

Try this maths problem as a family

Tia and Tom are twins. Tia saves and Tom spends.

Tom finds a $20 note on Sunday evening and spends $2 a day starting on Monday.

Coincidentally, Tia starts work on Monday and gets $2.50 a day.

How long will it be before Tia has more money than Tom?

Use a graph to describe a rule for continuing a number sequence

Use a graph to compare two number sequences

Devise and use problem-solving strategies to explore situations mathematically (guess and check, be systematic, make a drawing).

Display and share your solution to your class for 2 positive points! If you can create a similar problem for your class to solve, you can get 3 positive points!! Have fun :)


Delvina Waiti

Learning Specialist in Mathematics