Middle School News

We welcome back the Year 10s from a busy week of work experience. It has been great to hear the range of experiences and opportunities that work experience has provided, including some very sound referees and offers of future jobs. Students will be selecting their VCE courses early in Term 3 and it is timely for them to start thinking about the sort of areas that interest them in relation to potential study and career pathways. We will be working with the Year 10s to support their subject selection, including an information evening early next term.
Year 9 Camp
Information about camp has been sent home with students this week, including the medical and dietary permission form. The whole Year 9 cohort will be attending the Anglesea YMCA from Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 June. Students will have opportunity to develop or strengthen relationships with their peers, focus on team building and resilience as they step out of their comfort zone in some exciting activities.
Year 9 and 10 Exams
Exams for both year levels will occur in the week beginning Monday 4 June. Timetables for exams will be available for students shortly. Students should be focusing on consolidating the curriculum content covered this semester by doing things such as mind maps, cue cards and most importantly, practice questions. Students should set up a study timetable for the weeks leading up to exams so they have specific study time scheduled amongst other commitments such as family, physical activity and work. The teachers can be a great resource for students to access for additional support with their studies, within and outside of class.
Ms Deb Jarvis
Director of Middle School