College Matters

From the School Council
The recent School Council meeting held on 20 March was the first of the year for the current council members.
The parent members of the school council for 2018 are existing members Richard Elstone, Darren Hawkless, Rachael Angus and James Malliaros. In addition three new parent members were recently elected to council, Simon Cleur, Rosa Ferrari and Geri Sumpter, as well as two new DET members Wendy Harvey and Alison Pickard. We welcome all five new members to school council and wish them a productive time over the next two years. The council also thanked retiring members Mark Weatherley and Glenn Chadwick for their contribution to school council over the last couple of years.
The Principal, Linda Brown, then called for nominations for Council President, Deputy President and Treasurer, with the roles filled by the following councillors:
President: James Malliaros
Deputy President: Rachael Angus
Treasurer: Darren Hawkless
Congratulations to the elected office bearers.
During the meeting a draft letter was presented to Council for discussion, which was in relation to the lack of funding from successive State Governments for Mentone Girls' Secondary College (MGSC). Given that many of the students at the school come from different parts of southeast Melbourne, the letter was sent to all of the politicians located in the Kingston and neighbouring electorates.
The main aim of the letter was to appeal as widely as possible to as many Government Ministers for a meeting to outline our case for funding to help the school improve its facilities, most notably the replacement of portables and the older classrooms in the shorter term. Also there was a request for longer term funding for a complete redevelopment of a number of the school’s buildings. It was pointed out in the letter that many of the other schools in the area have had significant upgrades over the years, but MGSC has not been granted any funding for upgrades for many years.
The letter was sent out just before the Easter term break and we will keep you updated with the progress of our meetings with some of the local politicians.
Mr James Malliaros
Second-hand Uniform Shop
Cheques will no longer be issued for sales through the Second-hand Uniform Shop. Reimbursement after sale of the item will now be through bank transfer.
Please label all items for the second-hand uniform shop clearly with
- Seller's name and contact details
- BSB and Account Number
Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Carolyn Page, Finance Manager.
Winter Uniform
A reminder that from 1 June the season transition period ends and only the winter uniform can be worn.