In our community

Saver Plus school cost assistance
Saver Plus is a matched savings and financial education program that allows participants to receive up to $500 in matched funds to use for to pay for their children’s educational expenses. Find out if you are eligible.
Family Life workshops
Parenting Teens & Tweens - Starts Thursday 17 May.
An effective communication-focused workshop for parents of 10-17 year olds.
Successful Step Parenting and Blended Families -Starts Saturday 19 May
A one-day workshop for parents struggling to achieve harmony in their co-parenting and blended family environment.
Brave Brilliant and Resilient - Starts Thursday 30 May
A four week workshop offering support for those parents with a newly blended family, or those who have been together for years.
Free Tennis lesson
Sports Star Academy are offering MGSC families and students a FREE tennis lesson on Wednesday 16 May after school.
To take advantage of this offer register by calling 1300 372 300.
Sport Star Academy run a number of skill clinics here at MGSC including soccer and tennis.