
A music rollercoaster
Term 2 has been a rollercoaster for the music department. There have been numerous things happening. Highlights include:
- SEVR ‘Singfest’, which was hosted by MGSC with over 200 students from across the region working with the Ubuntu choir from Kenya and Uganda. The students had an incredibly inspiring day, both culturally and musically, with the day ending with a performance to some of our lucky classes. I would like to thank many of our MGSC families for hosting the Ubuntu choir in their homes.
- Sophia Maltarollo, a Year 8 student has been selected as a soloist for The Victorian State School Spectacular.
- Our choirs performed at Montsalvat as part of the Choral@Montsalvat festival.
This week was Vocal Night and Stringfest.
Our House Music rehearsals are well and truly underway. The music department is a hive of activity every lunchtime with Instrumental and Vocal rehearsals happening each day. These ensembles are students led. We look forward to our house music event next week which will feature every student, as well as these specialist ensembles and our house soloists Eden Dubinovski, Hannah Mindum, Amethyst Parlanti and Melie Protat in front of our 2018 guest adjudicator Rob Farnham.
Later this term we have our Junior Music Showcase, featuring all of our Junior Ensembles and a Music Soiree.
Mr Tim Veevers
Director of Performing Arts