BNPS Information Sessions

FREE #Trending Cyber Safety Workshop 

6 May, 2019 (7.30 - 8.30pm), Senior Learning Centre


The first 25 parents/families to arrive on the night

will receive a FREE eSmart Digital Licence*

pack to use at home! 


Please CLICK/TAP HERE to let us know if you will be attending!


Conducted by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation's Connect Team, this workshop will provide insight into the online worlds of young people including the latest trends, risks and research, with a strong focus on social media. #Trending includes practical tips for parents on how to manage technology use in the school/home.



  • You will develop an understanding of the appeal of social media and how to support young people to stay safe
  • You will appreciate that bullying is a relationship issue and cyber bullying is merely an extension of this behaviour
  • You will know how to emphasise the importance of open communication and connectedness in keeping young people safe, off and online
  • You will know where and how to report inappropriate content and how best to support young people who are experiencing harm

* The eSmart Digital Licence is an online cyber safety program teaching children critical digital skills

to be smart, safe and responsible when online.

The Resilience Project Parent Information Session 

4 June, 2019 (7.00 - 8.30pm), Senior Learning Centre

One in seven primary school children have a mental illness. In response to this alarming statistic, in 2017 we adopted The Resilience Project as our whole-school wellbeing program. The Resilience Project team conduct emotionally engaging programs for students, parents and teachers using evidence-based approaches to building resilience, in order to develop mental health. 


We strongly encourage ALL parents to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to support your child and our whole-school wellbeing program – more details to follow.