Our Fortnight in Review

 Some happy snaps of our fortnight!



Here at Beaumaris North OSHC we are working towards being more sustainable. As we teach and learn about sustainability we are guiding students to develop knowledge, skills, values and motivation for action in their personal lives, within their community and also at a global scale. We are working towards embedding sustainability into EVERYTHING we do.

Currently, we contribute to a more sustainable future by ‘modelling’, for example, turning off lighting, heating and cooling when we are not in the rooms, we re-purpose a range of recycled materials for art and craft activities, we buy many resources second hand, we have a sustainability group who have worked closely with a facilitator from the Eco Centre and have spent a lot of hours planning our garden. We have frequent discussions on social justice issues, we make paper using our recycled paper, we know our local Indigenous plants and their significance, we have made connections with our local Indigenous nursery and we consider the impact on our surroundings.   


Our future goals include; having our worm farm up and running, using rain water tanks to water our garden, whole school paper recycling and the removal of chemicals for cleaning.   


We would love to hear your ideas on how we can work together to become more sustainable.

Our OSHC Garden

Have you seen the picket fence between the Sports Shed and playground? Over the next few months this space will be transformed into our community garden. Our ‘Tomorrow’s Leaders for Sustainability’ group have been planning this garden since the beginning of Term 4, 2018. The garden will incorporate both a vegetable garden as well as an Indigenous aspect. Our students are currently exploring the six seasons of the local Boonwurrung people. These seasons are determined by the movement of the stars and changes in the weather, coinciding with the life cycles of plants and wildlife.

The students are using this knowledge as a guide for making decisions regarding plants and planting and we are so excited to see it come to life!

Colgate Community Garden Challenge

We are competing in the Colgate Community Garden Challenge and need your help! Please drop off your oral care waste; tooth brushes, floss containers and empty toothpaste tubes, to us at Beaumaris North Outside School Hours Care and place in the pink bin next to the sign in/out table.

During the competition period, BNPS will earn Garden Points by sending oral care waste to TerraCycle for recycling, and by earning online votes from the community.

  • 1 unit of oral care waste = 10 Garden Points
  • 1 online vote = 1 Garden Point

The schools that collect the most oral care waste and online votes can win a recycled community garden set worth more than $6000! CLICK/TAP HERE to vote for us online and track our school’s ranking.


NOTE: In the section that says “who would you like to vote for”, you will need to type 3193 and wait a few seconds for our name to appear. Each email address is eligible to vote once per DAY, so please keep voting!

Bottle Top Collection

We are currently collecting bottle tops for ‘Helping Hands’ which is a joint initiative between Envision, Wyndham City and Rotary International. Together they will be collecting bottle tops from a network of schools and transforming them in to prosthetic limbs, 3D filament and other usable items. You can drop your bottle tops off to our bottle top bin next to the sign in /out table.

For more information about the Helping Hands initiative please CLICK/TAP HERE.

OSHC Term 2 Sports Program

Friendly reminder that this term we are running three sport programs through our OSHC program:

  • Hip Hop on Monday nights run by Trivical Dance Studio
  • Soccer on Tuesday nights run by Sports Star Academy and
  • Tennis on Thursday afternoons run by Sports Star Academy

Please see Compass (24 April) for further information.

Music Program

Two of our very musically talented educators, Matt and Kate, have introduced a music program for our students on Friday afternoons. This program will allow students to explore a range of instruments as well as their own voice. There is no extra cost for this program however, we would like to encourage those students who are interested in participating, to do so for at least 3 weeks. There is a sign-up sheet in the OSHC office for those interested.

Please speak with our Leadership Team (Kelly, Tamara or Amanda) for more information.    


To commemorate ANZAC Day, our students made soldier silhouettes. Along with seeing their amazing artistic creations, it was fantastic to hear so many discussions taking place in regards to the spirit of ANZAC through courage, mateship and sacrifice.

During this experience our educator, Olivia, also took the time to speak with the children about the contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women made to Australia’s Defence Force.

Quote of the Fortnight

“When you: cut it for me, write it for me, open it for me, set it up for me, draw it for me or find it for me all I learn is that you do it better than me” -  Author unknown


As always, we welcome feedback about any aspect of the program. Please feel free to come in and have a chat with Kelly, Tamara or Amanda, send us an email or leave a note in the Feedback box on the sign-in table. 


We welcome your input!

Kelly Szabo

OSHC Co-ordinator