Career Pathways

VTAC, ATARs, COPs, Offers and more..
With the later than usual release of the ATAR this year, one-to-one Career Pathways meetings will be conducted a little differently. As the ATAR is released on Wednesday 30th December, Ms Leana Bailey will be available by appointment only, via Microsoft Teams for any questions regarding the Change Of Preference process and pathway planning discussions on Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st of December from 10am – 2pm. Register here now to get your results online.
ATAR release information:
VCE results and ATAR | Online | Post |
Closing date for change of address and payment to receive ATAR statement by mail (Victorian current Year 12 only) | 7 December (5pm) | |
VCE results and ATAR |
30 December (7am) |
VTAC ATAR statements delivered from 8 January 2021 |
ATAR and VCE results are confidential and only available for the student to access. Parents/guardians or families looking for information regarding specific results will need to have a discussion with their student, as the College is not able to give this information out. Likewise VTAC and VCAA student numbers – this information can only be accessed by the student.
For more information about the Offers process, please click here.
Enrolment and Deferment:
Follow these links for more information about the Enrolment and Deferment processes.
Thinking about your future?
Want to go into further studies when you complete your Secondary schooling? This Learning Pathways graphic can help you see your options and make informed decisions regarding the program you choose to participate in.